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Sarah Mliyahe

Sarah Mliyahe is a medical doctor and firm believer in integrative medicine. Still in medical school, Sarah was fortunate enough to discover the world of Yoga. Through Yoga she was acquainted with how nutrition, psychology, and physical activity are the best tools to prevent and manage certain chronic conditions. Sarah is a doctor, yoga teacher, and fervent advocate for lifestyle medicine which she shares with her patients, students, and tries to implement in her daily life.

Plant-Based Diet Beginner's Guide

Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet — A Beginner’s Guide

We created this Plant-Based Diet Beginner's Guide as Plant-based diets are exploding in popularity as a result of the ever-evolving...

Heart Disease

Nutrition Prevents Heart Attacks & Strokes

What nutrition prevents heart attacks & strokes? Suddenly experiencing an acute event like a heart attack or a stroke is...

Obesity woman on scale

Obesity: A Leading Cause of Mortality Worldwide

The global prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled since 1975 [1]. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...