alice mcrae

Alice McRae

Alice graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Anatomy and Anthropology from the University of Otago. She now writes science and health content for various websites and has a passion for making science accessible. As a keen cook, she loves to combine her passion for health and food and believes that everyone should try incorporating more plant-based meals into their diets.

Plant-Based Diet Beginner's Guide

Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet — A Beginner’s Guide

We created this Plant-Based Diet Beginner's Guide as Plant-based diets are exploding in popularity as a result of the ever-evolving...

Vegan Diet Benefits & Risks

Vegan Diet: What are the Benefits and Risks?

What are the benefits & risks of a vegan diet? Vegan diets have exploded onto the food scene. Once only...

plant-based protein sources from vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds

17 Best Plant-Based High Protein Foods

Whether you’re a vegan or just want to increase your consumption of plant-based meals to be healthier, you still want...

soybean curd tofu in a bowl on a wooden kitchen table

19 Plant-Based Foods Loaded With Iron

Which plant-based foods are loaded with iron? One of the big questions when it comes to eating a plant-based diet...

animal vs plant protein

Animal vs. Plant Protein: What’s the Difference?

Animal vs. Plant Protein is always a great conversation starter. Protein is an important part of any diet. It helps...

plant-based sources of calcium

9 Plant-Based Sources of Calcium

9 plant-based sources of calcium are listed below but why is Calcium so important? Calcium is a key nutrient in...