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Eat Healthier
This short & efficient course is based on 5 key principles of healthy nutrition which I learned at Stanford University. It's based on 20 years of research & is the result of comparing the 8 most common diets out there & finding their commonalities. Find out which ones they are & start making healthier food choices as of tomorrow - based on science. I truly believe education is key to start owning your health again.
Eat To Lose Weight
First off you get access to the entire "Eat Healthier" material. This course has a focus on weight loss including a step by step 21-day guide to lose weight. The goal is to enable you with knowledge to keep the weight down. After 21 days you have learned so much & you'll be empowered to understand what foods are right for you and which one's to live without. You can finally stop dieting. How great is that?
Plant-Based Athlete
This course gives you access to the "Eat Healthier" content as well. Learn how many calories you need to eat to become lean or build muscle. When & what to eat pre-and post workout, how to reduce inflammation & speed up recovery. Learn about the effects of sleep on your performance. Bonus: Get access to 3 meals plans including recipes.

I'm Manja
For more than a decade I lived the busy corporate live in a NASDAQ registered company. Always on the go, always aiming to be better, not taking time for myself.
When I witnessed the four-year battle of my best friend against cancer, I finally realised how eating better & more conscious, helps slow down or even avoid the development of lifestyle diseases.
I got certified in Nutrition Science with Stanford University & created to provide a platform to educate & provide actionable lifestyle changes on an almost plant-based basis. Not everyone can start to eat plant-based from one day to another. I fully embrace that and that's what makes this site different.
Thank you for supporting a small business! - Founder
How It Works
Define your goals & register for the course that suits best. Start date? Anytime you want! You learn at your own time & pace.
Once registered you have instant & lifetime access to the content consisting of presentations, videos & recipes.
Go through each module in your own time. Next time you log in, you'll be taken to where you left off last time.
Want to exchange with the other participants? Request access to our facebook support group to ask questions, share your experience & progress.
Is this a Vegan Program?
We LOVE food. And we know how important it is for us to eat good quality food. Not processed - but food in its most original state. We encourage a whole-foods and plant-based diet because we just love the evidence we find in science about its benefits. We are no extremists though. I myself still eat dairy. I stick to homemade yoghurt & butter. I don't think there should be any judgment. If one wants to eat healthier & in a sustainable way, there needs to be flexibility. Else it's too tough to even get started. My own journey started step by step, over the years. And that's what worked for me. Everyone should find their own way. What we do in our courses is to equip you with the knowledge you need to make these choices. When & how fast - is totally up to you!
How to start?
Most of our customers say that getting started was the hardest part. Once you decide to register, you log in for the first time & you start reading & watching some of the material - you already won! You decided you are ready for a change and you started to educate yourself around what you can do to make that happen. No matter which one of our courses you pick - Two things are crucial before you start:
2: Know your data
Where is your health at TODAY? Do you know?
You can be sure that most people don't. If you want to track the success of whatever it is you change in your life, you need to know the starting point. The first module of our courses walks you through what you need to do before getting started.
Eat Healthier to Avoid Lifestyle Diseases
High Blood Pressure, Diabetes Type II, Strokes & Heart Attacks, certain types of Cancer, the list goes on and on. Lifestyle Diseases can have many causes and science suggest that they can be avoided by eating the right way. But how does that look like & what are the right foods to eat?
Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free... Which diet is the right diet? Our course focusses on the 5 key principles that all diets out there agree on. We go deep into each principle and explain how you can use that in your day to day. Easy. Simple. Ready to learn?
Eat to Lose Weight
You might have a long term goal to eat healthier & you have a few pounds too much and want to get rid of them.
We created the 21-Days Weight-Loss Challenge for a lifestyle change and also to facilitate a rapid change in your weight. The goal is to empower you to keep that weight down & to finally stop dieting.
Plant-Based Athlete
You're a high performer, love your sports, train every week & need enough fuel to keep the machine going? You want to eat healthy & in the same time you crave for satisfying dishes after your work-outs?
I totally hear you. I got one like this at home. My sportive husband trains at least 5 if not 7 days a week. Loves Functional Training, Weight Lifting and Cardio (Cycling and Running).
Like me, he sticks to a vegetarian/sometimes vegan diet most days. His challenge is the constant hunger & the feeling not to have enough fuel to burn during the work outs.
That's what led me to assemble a team of professionals to dig deep into the topic & read what science has to say about athlete nutrition. We will show you that eating healthier and satisfying enough for high performers can be an easy and not daunting task to accomplish.
I want to make adjustments to be in the best health as possible. I finished my 21-days challenge yesterday and I lost 4,5kg. I am really happy, so happy that I restart immediately another 21- days challenge from today.
Gwenn Cassanet
Business Owner, GwennZen
I wish everyone a successful start of the challenge. I started 2 months ago and I did it twice. I have changed the way I eat since then. In total I lost 8KG, and I feel so much better.
I sleep better, I have better skin & I don’t have acid reflux or stomach pains anymore. The most difficult is to get started.
Yasmine Joubioux
Director of Retail, Cinema

I am in love with this program! Not only it helped me reach my weight objective but I learned so much about nutrition & its effects on my body that I feel I now own my choices in regards to what & when to eat! Nothing better that feeling you have the knowledge to manage your health & weight on your own! I found so many new yummy recipes to keep meals fun and diverse! I would recommend it to anyone who wants to be in charge of their health & nutrition!
Julie Monteiro
Real Estate Director, IAD Portugal

Programme Overview
Mathilde Lumiere
Business Owner, Birth Keeper & Energy Channeler
Thank you, Manja for having created such a program! I had postpartum kilos to let go of, and the sequence of diet was just perfect. Everything is explained in detail, with science-based information, support and steps. What I loved about it is that I just needed to follow the planning and refer to the course online whenever I shifted week. In 21 days I lost 4kg with a very minimum of workout. I wish I would have had this knowledge years ago! Now I know how to align my body healthily and effortlessly. Wishing you all the best in your journey too. You really get more than for your money for sure!
Joost Smoulders
Investment Director, Owner of Of TRips and Tales
Finished the challenge, and wanted to share my results. Lost 8.5kg in 3 weeks. Fat dropped from 27.7% to 24.6% and BMI from 27 to 24.9. I did go to the gym 5 times a week too, so that helped, and I had enough energy for it. What we eat has the most impact though. Thanks to Manja for the support and advice along the way. May do the challenge again in a few weeks as it worked so well.
Maxim El Masri
My husband & Inspiration for the Plant-Based athlete course
It's been a few years we constantly reduced our meat & dairy intake. I love to cook, so removing processed food from our fridge was no problem at all. I continue to have high quality meat once a week. I also do sports 5 times a week & whilst I wanted to eat more healthy I missed fuel for my workouts & felt constantly hungry. Manja's "Plant-Based Athlete" Program was born and I finally feel I can continue my path to eating healthier & in the same time progress with my sports.
Why trust us?
Our Story is like the beginning of many businesses: We created almostplantbased out of personal need. The circumstances in our lives exposed us to close family and friends suffering from lifestyle diseases & eventually losing their fight against them. When this happens so close to your heart, it has got a huge impact on you. Just like it did on our lives.
We started looking for a resource to transition our normal diet to a whole-foods plant-based one. Not vegetarian, not vegan… but almost. Something that is also sustainable for athletes. Most sites we found expect you to be a 100% right away. You read a lot about “take it easy” and “take one step at a time” but eventually there is no mention about an alternative lifestyle. And it’s what bothered us the most. There was no room for our “what if’s”. So I studied Nutrition Science with Stanford University and we built our three courses.
Frequently asked questions

Eat Healthy to Avoid Lifestyle Diseases
You can start this program anytime and you have lifetime access to it.
The reason you go through this material is because you want to change something. That could be because of an existing conditions, like skin rashes, high blood pressure, unexplainable abdominal pain - thousands of reasons. Write that down. Set yourself a smart goal. We recommend you see your physician to discuss this goal and share your plans to eat (almost) plant-based. Get a blood test done with the markers your physician recommends and track your current state. Repeat this test 3 months after you consistently made changes to your diet and you'll most likely see magic happening. All you need is consistency and to track your labs.
Whilst we highly recommend cooking yourself, you can also opt for one of the many plant-based delivery services out there. What we’d love for you to foster or rediscover is the love for food. Looking for fresh, locally sourced ingredients, supporting local businesses and avoiding long transportation times, guarantees that you’ll have more pleasure cooking your dishes. Your whole family will be on board with this if you involve everyone.

Eat Healthy to lose weight
This program gives you a framework and everything you get access to, has been created to set you up for maximum success. You can do everything, and you don’t have to. You can pick and chose and adapt the program to your lifestyle. Let’s not forget, you do this for yourself. So the amount of effort you put in, determines how much you get out of it. And it also needs to work for you in the long run, so we fully support you if you want to adapt for example the timing of intermittent fasting or add in a few dishes that will be more accepted by your family, partner or kids. If you have questions, please reach out to us.
We know that a plant-based diet supports weight-loss and we also know that being 100% plant-based is challenging for many people, especially with households of more than 1 person. We base this program on an “almost” plant-based nutrition. You will see in the recipes that certain dairy products are included, as well as some fish recipes. Depending on your personal preferences, you can just leave these out or keep them in. We strongly believe, that you need to adapt this based on your lifestyle for the program to work and be sustainable. Else you’ll give up and you won’t achieve your results. We want you to feel great!
Absolutely! Whilst some recipes contain yoghurt, butter, or fish, you can obviously chose not to cook these or replace the ingredients. Most recipes do contain plant-based foods only.
If you want to go for another round, by all means - please do. As long as you feel good and you get the impact you are looking for, do it again. Most of our clients fix it as a routine to repeat it every 6 months. You will not pay again, as you have lifetime access to the program.
Absolutely! We have included an interval walking and a yoga workout for you. Both are very good to boost your motivation, mental health and also start moving your body slowly but surely. To get back into a more active lifestyle starts with step by step exercise and you’ll get access to instructions in the program
Very easy. Share your goals with your family and ask them. That’s the easiest way to get everyone to support you. By not telling them to support you but by asking how they think they can support you over the next 3 weeks. Let everyone come up with at least 1 suggestion how they will support you and if no one brings it up, make sure you talk about meal times as well.

Almost Plant-Based Athlete
You can already buy the course at an exclusive pre-launch rate of AED200. Post-launch it will be AED265. We expect to launch end of June 2021.
No you don’t. This program is based on the food you have in your kitchen or that you can buy from local farms or your favourite supermarket. We have a few documents that outline what we recommend you to have readily available in your kitchen, or what supplements you can look out for. You can check these out and see if you are missing anything.
Absolutely! We provide you with meal plans that will inspire you to cook and will help you understand what you can eat each day. Look at our meal plans as a source for inspiration and just add your own vibe to it. There might be certain fruits you prefer over others, same for vegetable. So don't see the meal plans as a strict framework but more as a guidance.
No, it doesn't. We know you are interested in this program because you want to make a change in the way you currently eat pre- and post work-outs. We are not here to change your exercise routine. You are the expert of that. We are here to help you find an alternative lifestyle and continue having enough strength to perform your training.
Our Facebook support group is gold for our clients. You will find likeminded people, that have been on the journey already or are starting with you in the same time. You’ll get great tips and the support you are looking for. It’s a forum to ask your questions and get a boost if your motivation is down.
Questions? Drop us a line below!
Last updated on January 18, 2022 at 09:54 am