Last updated on January 31, 2022 at 09:26 am
Definitely a go-to supplement if you reduced your meat consumption to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Vitamins & Minerals
B12 and all the other Vitamins & Minerals – What you need to know about their consumption
Important: Both Vitamins and Minerals support many important metabolic functions in your body, such as vision, growth, bone health, blood clotting, etc.
Dosage: It is important to obtain the correct amounts of each vitamin and mineral. And we say correct, because very often, people tend to overdose.
Danger: Yes! You can actually overdose a vitamin. If you ever faced a moment where you get sudden diarhhea, that might be due to many reasons and one of them could be a Vitamin C overdose.
Information: To obtain the correct amounts needed, you can check the Dietary Reference Intake Document for Americans. As of page 176, you see all the information listed for each Vitamin.
Why bother? Because YOU own YOUR health. No one else.
Inform yourself – Don’ trust blindly. You might not have the time or patience to understand what vitamins and minerals you need and from which foods you can get them. You probably just buy any supplement and maybe you have never head about maximum intake levels and potential overdose before. Check our Supplement Guide in our training to understand what supplements you can buy.
Get them through food: You should also know that you can get all required Vitamins and Minerals from a varied plant based diet. As long as you balance a good amount of different fruit and vegetable in your weekly consumption, you will do great.
Watch Out: Two specific Vitamins to look out for are Vitamin D (10.000 ICU twice a week) and Vitamin B12. They are commonly taken as supplements as its challenging to get them via your food.
B12 is water soluble. Why is that important?
If you are interested to work on getting a good coverage of your vitamins via food, the following graphic will be great for you.
It was eye opening for me when I understood the concept behind fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
Those Vitamins that resolve in water, need to be consumed on a daily basis via your food. If you overdose them, you excrete them.
The great news is: Those Vitamins that are fat soluble, do not need to be consumed every day. They are stored and you can take them twice or thrice a week via your food.
B12 – Bottom Line
In addition to B12 and Vitamins, learn more about other nutritional components such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats and what best to eat in our training that teaches you the basics of nutrition ta your own pace and in your own time.
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